This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Image math

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, learners should be able to:


Concept map

Example figure

Convolution filters

Activity: Explore convolution filters

  • Open image: xy_8bit__nuclei_noisy_different_intensity.tif
  • Try the result of different convolution filters, e.g. * * Mean filter * Gaussian blur * Edge detection
  • Appreciate that the results are (slightly) wrong within the 8-bit range of the input image.

Activity: Use mean filter to facilitate image segmentation

  • Open image: xy_8bit__nuclei_noisy_different_intensity.tif
  • Appreciate that you cannot readily threshold the image
  • Apply a mean filter
  • Threshold the filtered image

Formative assessment

  • Draw the kernel of a 3x3 mean filter.
  • Draw three different kernels that enhance edges.

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Follow-up material

We recommend reading these modules next:

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